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Paola Velasco Flores

Social Worker

She is a professional in Social Work and Social Communication, with experience in group intervention with adolescents and parents, addressing various topics such as the prevention of sexual violence, physical and psychological violence, trafficking, and more. She has experience in handling cases of sexual violence and developing prevention materials related to violence.

She is actively involved in the promotion of human rights, coordinating with various institutions that work in favor of children and adolescents to establish support and protection networks.

She conducted a training course for educators at shelters, focusing on the use of social media and educational apps to contribute to the development of adolescents in the pre-release phase.

She was part of a psychosocial team that conducted workshops for parents. As a result, she received recognition for delivering workshops aimed at incarcerated individuals at the “EL ABRA” Rehabilitation Center as part of the “SCHOOL FOR THE FAMILY” program.