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Jacqueline Vargas Calle

Social Worker

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work with a postgraduate degree in Social Expertise.

She currently works at FUBE since early 2024. She monitors cases through home visits and receives cases of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual assault, creating an environment of trust and respect so that the victims and their families feel comfortable. Through family systems therapy, she promotes collective healing, encourages communication, empathy, and redefines family roles and dynamics.

In 2023, she volunteered at the “Centro Terapéutico Mosoj Runitas” from June to December. At this center, she worked with families of children and adolescents who are victims of sexual assault. She provided support in the social area, actively participating in social management and conducting home visits. She facilitated planning and follow-up meetings with users and their families, promoting a collaborative approach in care. She developed and implemented systemic strategies to address complex challenges, demonstrating a strong commitment to understanding the comprehensive needs of the users.

From 2022 to 2023, she volunteered at the “Fundación Munasim Kullakita” in the social area. She carried out fieldwork to identify potential victims of trafficking and other at-risk populations. She supervised and accompanied cases, ensuring proper follow-up and a timely response to their needs. She conducted prevention workshops addressing various topics such as: “The Culture of Peace,” “Promoting Positive Treatment for Children and Adolescents to Be Agents of Change,” “Trafficking, Pimping, and Commercial Sexual Violence,” and “Protection of Children and Adolescents in Social Media,” aimed at shelters, parents, teachers, and children and adolescents.