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Alisson Paola Zárate López

Social Worker

Alisson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and has a postgraduate degree in Systemic Family Intervention.

Throughout her career, in 2017, she volunteered in interventions with vulnerable populations at shelters such as “Lluvia de Ángeles”, where she worked with children and adolescents facing issues such as abandonment, sexual assault, child abuse, and parental irresponsibility, among others. She also volunteered in work with street populations and individuals with alcohol-related problems.

In 2018, Alisson volunteered at SLIM (Municipal Health Service) and the Defensoría de la Niñez y Adolescencia (Ombudsman for Children and Adolescents) working with victims of violence and rights violations.

In 2019, she volunteered at “Aldeas Infantiles SOS” in their Daycare Program, working with children in early childhood. In the same year, she also worked on the “Proyecto Munay” in their Environmental Education Program, where she promoted preventive information and raised awareness about environmental impact in schools.

In 2021, Alisson worked at Aldeas Infantiles SOS, conducting family assessments within their Family Strengthening Service. The following year, she worked at CEMSE in the prevention area, where she provided educational information to parents, children, and adolescents on topics such as all forms of violence, human trafficking, child labor, and motherhood.

In 2023, Alisson joined FUBE, working with victims of sexual assault in the case reception area, where she had the opportunity to heal alongside many families.

As of 2024, she continues her work as a Social Worker at FUBE.