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Vicky Alanoca loza

Social Worker

Vicky Alanoca Loza is a licensed Social Worker with a degree in National Provision. She is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology. She holds a certificate in Forensic Psychology and is taking ongoing courses in Neuroscience and Family Systemic Therapy.

Since 2019, she has worked at FUBE, in the Social Work department. During these 5 years she has provided support to cases of sexual violence victims among children and adolescents, assisting families throughout the legal and therapeutic process, ensuring their well-being. She creates safe and healing spaces through home visits, building Protection Networks through various functions such as: providing care to children and adolescents who are victims of sexual violence, offering family systemic therapy, conducting home, educational, and work visits, and more.

From 2016 to 2018, she worked at the “Fuerza Especial de Lucha Contra la Violencia-FELCV” (Special Force for the Fight Against Violence) implementing the project “Educating Against Gender Violence,” aimed at educational units.

In 2016, she completed her pre-professional internship in Social Work at the Children’s Ombudsman’s Office in Quillacollo, Cochabamba, providing case management and conducting prevention workshops.

She has also participated as a speaker in various training courses and workshops on case management for victims of violence and the preparation of social reports, addressing issues related to sexual violence, aimed at both public and private institutions.

She has received the award of the Gold Emblem from the Bolivian Police, Integrated Police Station No. 3 Jaihuyco FELCV, in recognition of her continuous work in social support for survivors of sexual violence and their families, and was also recognized by the “RED DE NIÑAS, NIÑOS Y ADOLESCENTES CONTRA LA VIOLENCIA SEXUAL, COVISE” (Network of Children and Adolescents Against Sexual Violence) for her ongoing efforts.