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Olivia Nela Céspedes Castañón

Social Worker

Olivia Nela Céspedes Castañón is a Social Worker with a National Provision title and is registered with the National School of Social Workers. 

She has completed various update courses, including: certificate in Family Intervention with a  Systemic Approach, certificate in Higher Education, certificate in Mediation in Judicial Settings, certificate in Social Forensic Expertise.

Since 2023, she has been working at FUBE as a Social Worker. She currently works on cases involving victims of Sexual Violence in Children and Adolescents (N.N.A.), providing support to families throughout the process, aiming to ensure the well-being of both the victim and their family, within a systemic family approach.

Her work includes: preparing social reports, conducting home visits, coordinating with public and private institutions, providing educational follow-up for primary victims and assisting in legal actions to establish protection networks.

Olivia has also participated as a speaker in prevention and training workshops, addressing topics related to sexual violence.