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Noemi Mercado Miranda


Noemi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Legal and Political Sciences with a National Provision degree obtained in 2014. Before obtaining her degree, Noemi participated in several training sessions in the criminal law area, serving as a clerk for one and a half years at the Preliminary Criminal Investigation Court. She completed her internship for one year in forensic practice at the Preliminary Criminal Investigation Court and volunteered for 8 months at the Prosecutor’s Office.

She began as a volunteer at FUBE in 2015. Since 2016, she has worked as a lawyer in the legal department, providing legal support and advice in cases of sexual violence involving children and adolescents, a role she continues to hold today. She also receives ongoing training on the care, approach, and trauma related to sexual violence crimes against children and adolescents.

Her certificate and specialized courses include: certificate in Strategies and Techniques for Comprehensive Child-Adolescent Approach in Sexual Violence, certificate in Teaching for Higher Education Based on Competencies, Participation in the “IDEA Foundation’s” Leadership Formation Program for Transformation, course on Human Trafficking, organized by the “Ombudsman’s Office”, Participation in three editions of the International Congress organized by FUBE on Sexual Violence: Best Practices for Victim Support in Cases of Sexual Violence.

She has also attended several training courses in the criminal law field. Noemi is a facilitator in various workshops for institutions on sexual violence crimes.