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Maribel Chavarría Hinojosa


Maribel is an Accountant with a National Provision title and registered with the College of Accountants and Auditors of Bolivia.

With over 7 years of experience in administrative and accounting management within Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), she has completed updated courses in various topics related to accounting, taxation, and labor law.

Her professional experience includes working in various companies and organizations:

“CONAAL S.R.L.”  (April to October 2016) as an Audit Assistant, where she conducted a directed project titled “Audit in Non-Profit Organizations” for defense and subsequent certification.

“Tudela & TH Nexia International Consulting Group SRL” (January 2017 to December 2020) as an Audit Assistant in categories C and B, performing evaluations and fieldwork in various Non-Profit Organizations and supporting Audit Managers with reports.

“Asociación Parasoll Bolivia” (March 2021 to March 2022) as the Administrator and Accountant for projects funded by the Danish Association of People with Disabilities.

“Fundación Para Educación y Servicio” (April 2022 to December 2023) as the Accountant for the project “Federación Boliviana de Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual” (Funded by the Danish Association of People with Disabilities).

She has been working at FUBE for one year as an Accountant, where she is committed to support the training of children and adolescents (NNA) in the administrative and accounting area.