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Laura Esthefany Amadaor Ledezma


She holds a degree in Psychology and a certificate in Special Educational Needs. Also a Higher Technical Degree in Performing Arts and Artistic Promotion.

She has been working at FUBE since December 2021, supporting children and adolescents in groups and alternative therapy spaces. Since 2024, she has been involved in the family systemic therapy process and individual therapy with survivors of sexual abuse and their families, who entered the foundation in previous years.

Previously, she worked at the “EIFODEC Foundation” as a labor and life skills trainer for adults with intellectual disabilities. She also provided independent consulting services to local institutions such as “CEMSE” and “SCOLAR” and was a teacher at the School of Science and Arts.

Laura has authored numerous books and received several awards and recognitions.

Since 2023, she has been leading the “Equilibrium Reading Club for Moms”, a community focused on personal growth and development that promotes the habit of reading and therapeutic groups.