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Eduardo Lizandro Plata Villca

Communication Strategies Manager

Eduardo has a degree in Social Communication and graduated with Academic Excellence. He has an academic background and specialization in political advocacy, with an approach on human rights and democracy. As a Fellow of the School of Training for Democracy and Development and other training spaces funded by the European Union, he has developed the Municipal Youth Law Project in Cochabamba-Bolivia and has contributed to environmental and social legislation initiatives in the Latin American region.

His ability to implement political advocacy strategies has allowed him to be awarded First Place in the Save The Children Financial Funds for Social Projects contest on two consecutive occasions, and he also obtained first place in the audiovisual production contest of the Bolivian Association of Social Communication.

He is the author of academic research published by the Universidad Mayor de San Simón and has received recognition for Research and Intellectual Production from the same university. He also has other recognitions certified for his contribution to the Scientific Society of Social Communication Students, as an Activist and Speaker.

His commitment to eradicating violence and human rights is also reflected in his ongoing training, which includes Master’s studies in Governance and Public Policy, as well as certifications in Human Rights, Community Leadership, Women’s Political Participation, Legislative Management and Citizenship, among other diplomas.